Every now and again Adele feels the need to call me a geek.
This happens mostly when I talk about Superman. All through my life it's been one of my favourite films. It's a movie I can put on and watch anytime. I think I've seen Superman The Movie more than any other and almost every scene and line makes me laugh, smile and feel emotional. The special effects hold up so well and the characters are perfectly cast. When I was younger everyone seemed fascinated with Star Wars but it never had the hold on me the way good old Supe had. I remember lying in bed as a youngster and concentrating on being able to fly, needless to say I wasted my time there.
However this brings me up to now and the soon to be released Superman Returns. I've never been so excited about a films release. I feel about six and can state now that I will be geek numero1 in line on the day.
I thought for anyone who was not tuned into the upcoming release you could check this link to realise your full SUPER geek potential. I think I may for the first time ever be reaching my full potential on something.
1 comment:
Superman 2 is the only film I have ever known the script to. Heidi and I watched it recently and to my amazement after 20 years the lines kept popping into my head before they were spoken. It isn't better than Star Wars but it isn't worse either.
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