Your number one editor extraordinaire!
I'm new to the world of blog publishing. I have a fear that each time I approach the keyboard my mind will freeze & go blank....
It has now... However I promise this will be the only time I mention these fears. I will strike out with views and opinions that may upset, shock and maybe even encourage somebody to reply with their own most valued thoughts!
Firstly apologies for i)grammer ii)spelling iii)posts that will no doubt confuse and even waste your time.
I will however make posts regularly, (hastey words from a virgin).
I browsed many a picture before I settled on the one you see above, I was looking for one that wouldn't portrait my head to be bigger than Jeremy Clarksons. Whenever I have a picture taken it seems my teeth just wanna get on film. The beggars aren't shy that's for sure. This was also taken a year or two ago & lets just say the hairlines not as forthcoming as the teeth these days!
A quarter century is but a few days from now for me and the signs of age are creeping (rampaging) on!
Welcome to The Limited Edition, I hope you enjoy...
First of all theose teeth don't to shy and that head don't look to small! Second of all.... Stop dicking about with bloggs and get yourself a job you work shy dosser!
Nice photo, nice teeth, good name. The signs are good my friend, ignore the need to get a job and try to make a living out of blogging - it's the way forward. Nice one for adding me as a link by the way!
"I will strike out with views and opinions that may upset, shock..."
Bring it on Ricardo, let's see what your made of!
I mean you're.
Looks like feeble grammar runs in the family.
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