Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Movie Night

We subscribe to LOVEFiLM and we've had a few movies lying around for a good week. This is annoying as its a waste of money. These problems accur mostly because I have sole control of the films that we have posted. These invariably contain silly comedies, comic book adaptions, action adventures and plenty of sci fi. All of these genres are not to Adeles liking, which means to find a gap to get these babies in results in a little tension from the boss.

So this evening to get the beauties in which were going stale I pulled off a double biller. For your information they were Night Watch & X-Men 3. Both mightly good fun. The tension's not quite doubled but I've definitely experienced an above average level.

I wouldn't have this problem if I had plenty of space on my hard drive, so I could ram it full of this entertaining nonsense. But its close to bursting point. I'm going to have to get myself a new one sharpish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.