Last year saw an enormous amount of new male acoustic "talent". Nutini & Morrison joined the rear guard of James C*nt and "O" so clever Damien Rice, the guy who's lived off his "outstanding" - The Times, "inspiring" - The Mail, debut album, which was still being advertised on tv last year regardless of its 2003 release. Another of the "shit how do you write songs again?" pretenders is Ray Lamontagne. Dining out on trouble since 2004.
The latest pile of steaming crap is.... Jesus I cringe when I even think of the name he's given himself. It makes me feel sick its so bad. When this chap writes his songs I'm sure he wants his audience to react but how about vomiting. I really would explode vomit over him & his guitar if I found myself in a room with him "jammin". Have you guessed who it is yet? Probably not. My dislike for him is intense and probably not matched.
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
I don't understand who saw this guy and said "Yeah! We'll sign him. This chaps got real talent". Not to completely bash him. Maybe if he'd had 50 or 60 more years to develop, to live a little. But his lyrics are fresh from the sixth form centre. His voice is weak and lacking in originality.
There must be a thousand singer song writers spraying their drinks over there mates when it hits home that this guys releasing music.
I wouldn't mind so much if he'd been put in the same sentence as McFly of Avril Lavinge, but he's not. The NME have him nominated for awards and Lauren Leverne can't contain herself whenever she has the misfortune of exposing him to us again.

I can only hope he does a BeddingfieldS and drops off the radar when this current buzz buzzes off!