I'm shocked at how hard I've been finding it recently to write on this here blog, bloggers block it must be.
The day to day trails at B&Q have really worn my mind to a dull stump and the evenings are spent dreading the following day. It sure is a sorry state and one I hope changes aSAP...
I thought then tonight I'd have a sit, start to write and see if anything comes out (of my mind).
I'd very much like a new camera, my Canon PowerShot A40 no longer holds the attraction it did when I first had it, the times have a moved on at a hearty pace but my photographic apparatus has stalled. The thing a about pictures is that they're very easy to take and to post and they fill masses of space and make you (me) seem very proactive in upkeeping your blog. Plus on the whole the reader enjoys looking at whats on offer. The main reason for the blog is to keep a sneaky eye at what the blogger and their family/friends have been up to.
I'd have to admit that when I have a nosey at the strangers on blogger (if you've not done this then press the next botton in the top right hand corner) I do often feel like I'm looking through a strangers diary. On the one hand its a bit of fun to see how weird most people seem to be but sometimes its quite fascinating. (Although my contribution isn't too fascinating).
Enough of this mumbo jumbo. We watched The Machinist tonight, I wanted to watch it although it took a week or two to get in the right frame of mind, aware it was probably going to be a little grim. Which it was! I rate Christian Bale and apart from Captain Correli's Big Bag Of Shite I've found him very watchable (although he hasn't taken residence in my dreams unlike a certain girlfriend of mine). The first few scenes in the movie are a real trawl, he is so thin it's uncomfortable to watch. I got used to his skeletal appearance and though it's not quite Momento it kept us well gripped.
Other than that we started on the 3rd Season of Six Feet Under this week. Unfortunately the makers seem to have forgotten how to write and make a tv programme and its taken a slump. I was warned about this though so we shall endure these hard days and hope the fallen rise again.
NEWS> NEWS> NEWS>>>> Simon, Heidi & Billy have moved to a two bedder in Lynbrook and although they've been disconnected from cyberspace the news is they're settling in just fine. NEWS> NEWS> NEWS>>>> If you've failed to check Senor Wrights podcast out then click the link to the right, there's a new one just out. NEWS>NEWS NEWS>>>> After a spell in hospital with gout Charlottes now fully recovered and back at home. NEWS> NEWS> NEWS>>>> I bought an electric planer this week, just another weapon at my disposal. NEWS> NEWS> NEWS>>>> Finally a picture...

Proof of Lennon's faked death, here seen in August 2003 opening an electronics shop at Liverpool Airport.