Thursday, March 09, 2006


(Enlarge for your viewing pleasure)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The LE Movie Awards

What with it being awards season I thought it was only right to publish the best movies of 2005 as voted for by a select commitee of highly experienced movie going experts. In other words, ME!

The difference with these almighty gongs is that they're not restricted to just movies out in 2005, but to any movie I've seen for the first time. As to restrict it to release date would be to hastily wrap the proceedings up! I ain't seen half the flicks I would have liked to...

Getting straight into it, no fussing around with weighty intros. The first award will be presented.

This much lauded award is more often than not the one that causes the judges the biggest headache - The Finest Actress - this could only really go to one winner this year. A B.E.A.U.ty on and off the silver screen. She has been present in The Limited Edition movie suite many times this year and for great movies including House Of Flying Daggers, 2046 (didn't get it but not her fault) and Memoirs Of A Geisha (didn't like it but couldn't take me eyes of her) the winner is Zhang Ziyi.

As the ceremony moves up a gear we can welcome the much anticipated - Action Movie - award. This year was difficult. There was plenty of fine, kick back and relax action candy to soak up. Including the fourth instalment of Potter, Narnia (please let the follow ups at least be good). Ding Dong King Kong was a treat & Sin City was hardcore shit man!! But hands down and only because I poohed a little bit is War Of The Worlds which conquers this catorgary. I bloody loved it & I don't even like Tom SCHMOOZE...

Taking a break from the big awards we move towards a make or break category. - The Soundtrack - This year was a hell of a one for tunage! Ditties on the ipod included BrokenBack Mountain, Garden State & Broken Flowers with a late entry from Layer Cake. But hands down the award this year goes to Danny Elfman for Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, making an alright film into a pretty pretty damn good one.

We set the ladies & shepherds heartbeats a pumping now with the award for best Actor. Splendid performances this year from Gyllenhaal & Ledger. Giamatti in Sideways was a treat. Seymore Hoffman & Clooney are out as I ain't seen their flicks. A worthy shout out for Denzel WashingTAIN in Man On Fire. But my choice as mountain buddy this year goes to Eric Bana in Munich.

Now onto to the BIG cheese - Best Director - I often think it must be the hardest job in the world, as shit films are so see through. But the amount of quality produce around at the moment suggests plenty a hearty harvest in future years. Stand out numbers this year include Chris Nolan for Batman Begins, Paul Haggis for Crash, Tim Burton making the best films since Edward Scissorhands and the Cloonster. But the grand master gong this year goes to Speilberg for two excellent numbers in Munich & War Of The Worlds (Legend). Ang Lee wasn't nominated, as pretty as sheep & mountains are it was by no means his best film!

- Best Documentary - is a short one this year as I only recall seeing one, but it was so good that it deserved a hearty mention, and that mention goes to DIG! for being completely enthralling. Watch it if you can coz it digs man!

Now moving onto "the movies I missed first time around" category. - Best DVD - This year I've had the pleasure with catching up on the Big Screen numbers I missed at the picture house. Stand out praise for Passion Of The Christ, OldBoy, Collateral, Infernal Affairs, The Station Agent & Stuck On You. But the winner goes to Ong Bak for some meaty mother f*cking kick ass action! Right on, Wooo!!!

And that near enough wraps the 2006 LE Movie Awards up. Its been a pleasure to host you and hope to see you soon enough again for another star studded, diamond encrusted evening.

Good Night...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Fools (G)old

It's been an age since my last post so I'll apologise for that firstly. Sorry.

I haven't been able to muster any thoughts to post. No ideas at all. There's been a slight depression hanging over me in a mild way only affecting my blog. I've still been managing to get out of bed and perform my other daily routines. Which is lucky as my impact on the world is very important and the high levels of customer service that the jolly clientelle from B&Q have just got used to can't been seen to faulter.

Anyway enough of these weak excuses, I shall remind you of my promise of day one of The Limited Edition, that posts will be as fresh as the morning catch and so on......

It's been a while but I awoke this afternoon with an almighty hangover... Booze fueled and sickening... I felt so sick and needed to pee so badly that I had to think quickly to recall any embarrassing moments from the previous night. As the level of hungoverness would usually suggest at some point I had made a d*ck of myself. Fortunately I don't remember any particular moments of madness or any enthusiastic promises made to brand new aquaintances. So unless I'm reminded of an instance that I have no memory of, I got away with a good night intact.

We ended up in 4.2's and by no means was this decision made without my enthusiastic imput. I hadn't been there for almost three years. That occasion was the night the Ricky Charm worked it's magic on Miss Mora for the first time. Its the reasuring smell of vomit that you could always rely on.

The place however has had something of a make over. The DJ both had moved, the toilets where well lit, the lingering vomit smell had been reigned in, and last but not least the indie kids of the noughties would have looked more suited to a bleedin catwalk. It was shocking. The dingey dark corners of old had all gone, I didn't spot one parker, and not one "on the seventh day god made manchester" t-shirt. It knocked me a little and when I went for a wander to see if I could identify a familiar face my search returned no results. I went to the bar and to add insult to injury I was clearly significantly older than all the bar staff.

In any club I always have this feeling of being a little intimidated by the bar staff. It's like they have the power over whether or not your night goes well. Without exception if you end up getting on with a bar person, male or female then your night is guaranteed to be that little bit better. Although last night the intimidation I had memorised from 4.2's wasn't there. It wasn't important or necessary to impress my fellow clubbers and the mighty bar staff didn't have the look of a hundred boozey club nights in their eyes. I think it was the aging processes kicking in again. Not that I've been out on the tiles persistantly for the last few years but these wee nippers seemed comfort fresh, coiled and ready to jump out of the ground.

I wont be rushing back but its good to see the youngsters are breaking there city shoes in the same places and backed up by the same old dutch courage I found necessary when approaching the dance floor - Saturdays bar offer was vodbul (trademake) at a quid a go. (Reliable 42's!)