For years I've been totally satisfied with the decisions I quite proudly made when I was 16(ish).
The choices I'm talking about are that of beer! As with any youngster hoping to climb up the social ladder, to get a taste for the amber nectar was as vital as your voice breaking or your pits smelling. Just another step towards adulthood.
Myself, and my friends, of whom I feel I can speak on behalf of were contented with the fizzy wife beating, headache inducing liquids of Stella Artois, Heineken and the odd Fosters. These fine beverages went down well on cold winter evenings and barmy summer afternoons. They helped us mature and contemplate, dance & fall over, they made the boring people interesting and the ugly people, pretty.
What on earth could shake this seemingly perfect world?!
I tell you now... It is BITTER.......

Bitter is a substance I can remember from early childhood, looking on at my Dad drink this mulch with excitement in his eyes. It was inconceivable what positives could be found when my 5 (approx) year old palette tasted this dish water. "Errr its orrible" or there abouts was a remark I must have furnished my Dad with numerous times, "I'll never drink that!".
And then on to my teens when I was acquiring a taste for the bubbly amber nectar, the flat, thick glass clinging bitter held no appeal and never would.
However, times do change, I am now in my twentyfifth year and as with Eric and Acacia Road my taste buds have made an amazing transformation.
They love the smooth, creamy taste. The amazingly long lasting snow white heads. The gasless satisfaction. The effort required in pumping the hearty life blood from the cellars below. And not only that, the amounts and variations are seemingly endless. With many microbreweries in every city there's a new taste experience in every corner of the country.
I look forward to sampling the bitters & stouts of our fine land.